home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //Generic Display code
- //Updated 5/8/2000 - increased delay from 400 to 800
- var L_COLLAPSE_TEXT="Hide All";
- var L_EXPAND_TEXT="Show All";
- function ExpandAll()
- {
- // Expand all
- var iSpan
- var iSpanSource
- var oSpan
- var sCaption
- var sAction
- var sImage
- // Determine the action, and the picture to replace
- sCaption=document.all("ExpandAll").innerHTML;
- if (sCaption==L_EXPAND_TEXT)
- {
- sAction="expanded";
- sImage="arrow-up.gif"
- document.all("picHeader").src="collapsetri.gif";
- document.all("ExpandAll").innerHTML=L_COLLAPSE_TEXT;
- }
- else
- {
- sAction="collapsed";
- sImage="arrow-down.gif"
- document.all("picHeader").src="expandtri.gif";
- document.all("ExpandAll").innerHTML=L_EXPAND_TEXT;
- }
- // Execute the action for all expand SPANs
- for (iSpan=0; iSpan < document.all.tags("DIV").length; iSpan++)
- {
- oSpan=document.all.tags("DIV").item(iSpan);
- iSpanSource=oSpan.sourceIndex;
- if (oSpan.id=="ExpCol")
- {
- document.all.tags("DIV").item(iSpan).className=sAction;
- document.all(iSpanSource-1).src=sImage;
- }
- }
- // Change the text and the picture of the main caller
- document.all("ExpandAll").className="DropDown";
- // Now we do the inline defs
- var cLinks = document.all.tags("A");
- var iNumLinks = cLinks.length;
- for (var i=0;i<iNumLinks;i++)
- {
- cLink=document.all.tags("A").item(i);
- switch (sAction)
- {
- case 'expanded':
- if (cLink.className=="glossary" && cLink.getAttribute("State")!="On")
- {
- cLinks[i].click();
- }
- else if (cLink.className=="HidePopUp")
- {
- cLinks[i].click();
- }
- break;
- case 'collapsed':
- if (cLink.className=="glossary" && cLink.getAttribute("State")=="On")
- {
- cLinks[i].click();
- }
- else if (cLink.className=="HidePopUp")
- {
- cLinks[i].click();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- function Outline2(num)
- {
- window.event.returnValue=0
- //Expand or collapse if a list item is clicked.
- var open = event.srcElement;
- //Verify that the tag which was clicked was either the
- //trigger tag or nested within a trigger tag.
- var el = checkParent(open,"A");
- if(null != el)
- {
- var incr=0;
- var elmPos = 0;
- var parentSpan;
- var fBreak
- //Get the position of the element which was clicked
- elemPos = window.event.srcElement.sourceIndex;
- //Search for a SPAN tag
- for (parentSpan = window.event.srcElement.parentElement;
- parentSpan!=null;
- parentSpan = parentSpan.parentElement)
- {
- //test if already at a span tag
- if (parentSpan.tagName=="DIV")
- {
- // alert("Parent Element is a SPAN");
- incr=1;
- break;
- }
- //Test if the tag clicked was in a body tag or in any of the possible kinds of lists
- //we perform this test because nested lists require special handling
- if (parentSpan.tagName=="BODY" || parentSpan.tagName=="UL" || parentSpan.tagName=="OL"|| parentSpan.tagName=="P")
- {
- //Determine where the span to be expanded is.
- for (incr=1; (elemPos+incr) < document.all.length; incr++)
- {
- //verify we are at an expandable Div tag
- if(document.all(elemPos+incr).tagName=="DIV" &&
- (document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="expanded" ||
- document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="collapsed"))
- {
- fBreak=1;
- break;
- }
- //If the next tag following the list item (li) is another
- //list item(li) return in order to prevent accidentally opening
- //the next span in the list
- else if(document.all(elemPos+incr).tagName=="LI")
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- //determine if we need to break out of the while loop (kind of a kludge since theres no goto in javascript)
- if(fBreak==1)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Alert("Return!");
- return;
- }
- //Now that we've identified the span, expand or collapse it
- if(document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="collapsed")
- {
- document.all(elemPos+incr).className="expanded";
- document.all(elemPos+1).src="blueup.gif";
- if(open.tagName=="IMG"){open.src="blueup.gif";}
- if(open.tagName=="B")
- {
- if(open.parentElement.all.tags("IMG").length != 0)
- {open.parentElement.all.tags("IMG").item(0).src="blueup.gif";}
- }
- }
- else if(document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="expanded")
- {
- document.all(elemPos+incr).className="collapsed";
- document.all(elemPos+1).src="bluedrop.gif";
- if(open.tagName=="IMG"){
- open.src="bluedrop.gif";
- }
- if(open.tagName=="B")
- {
- if(open.parentElement.all.tags("IMG").length != 0)
- {open.parentElement.all.tags("IMG").item(0).src="bluedrop.gif";}
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- event.cancelBubble = true;
- // open.scrollIntoView(true);
- }
- function checkParent(src,dest)
- {
- //Search for a specific parent of the current element.
- while(src !=null)
- {
- if(src.tagName == dest)
- {
- return src;
- }
- src = src.parentElement;
- }
- return null;
- }
- //This function displays content from different source HTML files
- function showPopup(filename, theSpan){
- //Get the position of the element which was clicked
- elemPos = window.event.srcElement.sourceIndex;
- theIFRAME.location.replace(filename);
- tempSpan = theSpan
- window.setTimeout("showPopup2(tempSpan,elemPos)", 800)
- }
- function showPopup2(theSpan, elemPos){
- //var elemPos=0;
- //Get the position of the element which was clicked
- //elemPos = window.event.srcElement.sourceIndex;
- defSpan = document.all(theSpan);
- if (defSpan && document.readyState == "complete" && theIFRAME.document.readyState == "complete"){
- if (defSpan.style.display == "none"){
- theIFRAME.document.all.tags("H1").item(0).outerHTML="";
- if(theIFRAME.document.all.tags("P").item("ExpandAllLine") != null) {theIFRAME.document.all.tags("P").item("ExpandAllLine").outerHTML="";}
- ///defSpan.innerHTML = theIFRAME.document.all.glosdef.innerHTML;
- defSpan.innerHTML = theIFRAME.document.body.innerHTML;
- defSpan.style.display = "";
- defSpan.parentElement.style.display = "";
- document.all(elemPos+1).src="arrow-up.gif";
- document.all(elemPos).src="arrow-up.gif";
- }
- else{
- defSpan.style.display = "none";
- defSpan.parentElement.style.display = "none";
- document.all(elemPos+1).src="arrow-down.gif";
- //if(oSource.tagName=="IMG"){open.src="arrow-down.gif";}
- }
- }
- }